Namespace: AdvancedInjectable

STXChart. AdvancedInjectable

The following is a list of ADVANCED injectable methods.

These methods should not be normally called by your code, but rather injections should be used to modify their behavior within the library Kernel.

The "Injection API" provides prepend and append functionality to any built-in method. Essentially what this means is that a developer can write code that will be run either before (prepend) or after (append) any internal STXChart function (such as draw() or mouseMove()). This gives developers the ability to supplement, override or ignore any of the built in functionality.

Note that you may prepend or append multiple functions. Each injected function is stacked "outward" (daisy-chained) from the core function.

prepend >> prepend >> prepend >> function << append << append << append

You may prepend/append either to STXChart.prototype or directly to a STXChart instance.

See the Popular API injections and Customization Basics tutorials for additional guidance and examples.


STXChart.prototype.append("method_name_goes_here", function(){
	// do something here
STXChart.prototype.prepend("method_name_goes_here", function(){
	// do something here
	// return true; // if you want to exit the method after your injection
	// return false; // if you want the standard code to follow the prepend



INJECTABLE Adjusts the positions of all of the panels. Ensures that panel percentages add up to 100%. Sets the panel top and bottom based on the percentages. Also sets the icon template icons appropriately for each panel's position. And adjusts any drawings. Finally it makes some calculations that are used by the y-axis.

consolidatedQuote(quotes, position, periodicity, interval, timeUnit, dontRoll, alignToHour)

INJECTABLE Consolidates a series of quotes into a single quote. This is called by STXChart#createDataSet to roll up intervals (including week and month from daily data).

Name Type Description
quotes array

The quotes (dataSet)

position number

The starting position in quotes

periodicity number

The periodicity

interval number

The interval

timeUnit number

The time unit

dontRoll boolean


alignToHour boolean

If true then align intraday bars to the hour

  • 2015-11-1 changed signature by adding timeUnit

Returns an object containing the "quote" and the new "position"



INJECTABLE Animation Loop This method ensures that the chart is not scrolled off of either of the horizontal edges. See STXChart#minimumLeftBars and STXChart.Chart#allowScrollPast for adjustments to defaults.

Name Type Description
theChart STXChart.Chart

The chart to check


INJECTABLE Animation Loop Registers mouse events for the crosshair elements (to prevent them from picking up events)

createDataSegment( [theChart])

INJECTABLE Animation Loop Creates the dataSegment. The dataSegment is a copy of the portion of the dataSet that is observable in the current chart. That is, the dataSegment is a "view" into the dataSet. chart.scroll and chart.maxTicks are the primary drivers for this method.

Name Type Argument Description
theChart STXChart.Chart <optional>

If passed then a data segment will be created just for that chart, otherwise all charts

createPanel(display, name [, height] [, chartName])

INJECTABLE Create a new panel and make room for it by squeezing all the existing panels

Name Type Argument Description
display string

The display name for the panel

name string

The name of the panel (usually the study ID)

height number <optional>

Requested height of panel in pixels. Defaults to 1/5 of the screen size.

chartName string <optional>

The chart to associate with this panel. Defaults to "chart".


INJECTABLE Animation Loop Call this method to create the X axis (date axis).

See STXChart.XAxis#axisType for details on setting numeric or date based axis.

Use css styles stx_xaxis and stx_xaxis_dark to control colors and fonts for the dates.
Use css styles stx_grid and stx_grid_dark to control the grid line colors.
The dark styles are used when the grid changes to a major point such as the start of a new day on an intraday chart, or a new month on a daily chart.

See Custom X-axis for additional details.

Name Type Description
chart STXChart.Chart

The chart to create an x-axis for


axisRepresentation that can be passed in to STXChart#drawXAxis


createYAxis(panel [, parameters] [, yAxis])

INJECTABLE Animation Loop Call this method to create the data that will be displayed on the Y axis (price axis). It does not actually render the Y axis; this is done by STXChart.AdvancedInjectable#drawYAxis

Managing Decimal Places

The Y-Axis automatically manages decimal place precision. The default behavior is to set the number of decimal places based on the values set in STXChart.YAxis#shadowBreaks in relation to the size of the shadow. You may override this by setting stxx.chart.panel.yAxis.decimalPlaces equal to a hard set number of decimal places. stxx.chart.panel.yAxis.minimumPriceTick can be set to specify that the y-axis vertical grid be drawn with specific ranges. eg stxx.chart.panel.yAxis.minimumPriceTick=.25 For more configurable parameters, see the STXChart.YAxis.

Name Type Argument Description
panel STXChart.Panel

The panel to create the y-axis

parameters object <optional>

Parameters to drive the y-axis

Name Type Argument Description
noDraw boolean <optional>

If true then make all the calculations but don't draw the y-axis. Typically used when a study is going to draw its own y-axis.

semiLog boolean <optional>

Calculate the y-axis as a semi-log scale.

ground boolean <optional>

Tie the bottom of the y-Axis to the bottom-most value of the plot.

yAxis STXChart.YAxis <optional>

The yAxis to create. Defaults to panel.yAxis.


INJECTABLE Removes any and all highlighted overlays, series or drawings.


INJECTABLE Animation Loop Displays the chart by calling the appropriate rendering functions based on the chart type.

Name Type Description
chart STXChart.Chart

The chart to render

  • 05-2016-10.1 "baseline_delta_mountain" and "colored_mountain" are also available


INJECTABLE This method is called to display crosshairs if the user has crosshairs enabled or is in the process of drawing (a non dragToDraw) drawing tool. This is the counter method to STXChart.undisplayCrosshairs which is called, for instance, when the user mouses out of the chart or mouses over a chart element.


INJECTABLE Animation Loop Draws a label for the last price in the main chart panel's y-axis using STXChart#createYAxisLabel

Label style: stx_current_hr_down and stx_current_hr_up


INJECTABLE Animation Loop Draws the panels for the chart and chart studies. CSS style stx_panel_border can be modified to change the color or width of the panel dividers.

drawSeries(chart, seriesArray [, yAxis])

INJECTABLE Animation Loop Draws each series from the seriesRenderer on the chart. This is called by STXChart#rendererAction

Name Type Argument Description
chart STXChart.Chart

The chart object to draw the series

seriesArray Array

optional The series object iterate through, defaults to chart.series

yAxis STXChart.YAxis <optional>

Optional yAxis to plot against

drawSeriesRenderers(chart, phase)

INJECTABLE Animation Loop Draws the series renderers on the chart. The renderers are located in seriesRenderers. Each series in each seriesRenderer should be represented by the same name in the dataSet. See STXChart#addSeries

Name Type Description
chart STXChart.Chart

The chart object to draw the renderers upon

phase string

Values "overlay","underlay","calculate"


INJECTABLE Animation Loop Draws the drawings (vectors). Each drawing is iterated and asked to draw itself. Drawings are automatically clipped by their containing panel.

drawXAxis(chart, axisRepresentation)

INJECTABLE Animation Loop Draws the x-axis. This assumes that the axisRepresentation has previously been calculated by STXChart.AdvancedInjectable#createXAxis

CSS Styles used:

  • Text = "stx_xaxis"
  • Grid Line = "stx_grid"
  • Boundary Line = "stx_grid_dark"
  • Border = "stx_grid_border"
Name Type Description
chart STXChart.Chart

Chart object

axisRepresentation Array.<STXChart.XAxisLabel>

Axis representation object created by createXAxis. This should be an array of axis labels.

drawYAxis(panel, parameters [, yAxis])

INJECTABLE Animation Loop

This method draws the y-axis. It is typically called after STXChart.AdvancedInjectable#createYAxis.

CSS Styles used:

  • Text = "stx_yaxis"
  • Grid Line = "stx_grid"
  • Border = "stx_grid_border"
Name Type Argument Description
panel STXChart.Panel

The panel to draw the y-axis

parameters object

Parameters for the y-axis (only used internally. Send {} when calling this method directly).

Name Type Argument Description
range array <optional>

Optionally set the range of values to display on the y-axis. For instance [0,100] would only print from zero to one hundred, regardless of the actual height of the y-axis. This is useful if you want to add some buffer space to the panel but don't want the y-axis to actually reveal nonsensical values.

yAxis STXChart.YAxis <optional>

The yAxis to use. Defaults to panel.yAxis.

grabHandle(e, panel)

INJECTABLE Event handler that is called when the handle of a panel is grabbed, for resizing

Name Type Description
e Event

The mousedown or touchdown event

panel STXChart.Panel

The panel that is being grabbed


INJECTABLE This is called whenever the mouse leaves the chart area. Crosshairs are disabled, stickies are hidden, dragDrawings are completed.

Name Type Description
e Event

The mouseout event


INJECTABLE This method calls STXChart#updateFloatHRLabel to draw the label that floats along the Y axis with the current price for the crosshair. It also fills the date in the "stxx.controls.floatDate" (Style: stx-float-date) div which floats along the X axis. This is an appropriate place to inject an append method for drawing a head's up display if desired.

You can override the STXChart#hideDates method to decide if/when you want to hide the floating date.

  • TBD only year and month will be displayed in monthly periodicity


INJECTABLE Animation Loop

This method initializes display variables for the chart. It is part of the animation loop and called with every draw() operation. The high and low values for the displayed chart are calculated. Those values are subsequently used by STXChart.AdvancedInjectable#createYAxis which is called from within this method. This method also calls STXChart#createCrosshairs. stx.displayInitialized will be set to true after this method is called.

chart.highValue - The highest value on the chart chart.lowValue - The lowest value on the chart

Name Type Description
chart STXChart.Chart

The chart to initialize


INJECTABLE Calculates the magnet point for the current mouse cursor location. This is the nearest OHLC point. A small white circle is drawn on the temporary canvas to indicate this location for the end user. If the user initiates a drawing then the end point of the drawing will be tied to the magnet point. This function is only entered if preferences.magnet is true and a drawing type (STXChart#currentVectorParameters.vectorType) has been enabled.


INJECTABLE Called when the user presses the mouse button down. This will activate dragging operations once the user moves a few pixels within STXChart#mousemoveinner.

Name Type Description
e Event

The mouse event


INJECTABLE Handles mouse movement events. This method calls STXChart#mousemoveinner which has the core logic for dealing with panning and zooming. See also STXChart#touchmove which is the equivalent method for touch events.

Name Type Description
e Event

A mouse move event


INJECTABLE Called whenever the user lifts the mousebutton up. This may send a click to a drawing, or cease a drag operation.

Name Type Description
e Event

A mouse event

mouseWheel(e, wheelEvent)

INJECTABLE Zooms the chart based on a mousewheel event. A built in timeout prevents the mousewheel from zooming too quickly.

Name Type Description
e Event

The event

wheelEvent string

The type of mousewheel event "onmousewheel","onwheel","wheel","DOMMouseScroll"


Returns false if action is taken



INJECTABLE Closes the panel. This is called when a chart panel is closed manually or programatically. For example, after removing a study panel with the STX.Studies.removeStudy function, or when a user clicks on the "X" for a panel.

Name Type Description
panel STXChart.Panel

The panel to close


INJECTABLE Animation Loop

Draws the grid for the y-axis.

Name Type Description
panel STXChart.Panel

The panel for the y-axis


INJECTABLE Animation Loop

Plots the text on the y-axis.

Name Type Description
panel STXChart.Panel

The panel for the y-axis




Event handler that is called when a panel handle is released.

Name Type Description
e Event

The mouseup or touchup event


INJECTABLE Removes an overlay (and the associated study)

Name Type Description
name string

The name (id) of the overlay


INJECTABLE Animation Loop

This method creates and draws the Y Axis for the chart

yAxis.high - The highest value on the y-axis yAxis.low - The lowest value on the y-axis

Name Type Description
chart STXChart.Chart

The chart to create y-axis

  • 15-07-01


INJECTABLE This function is called when the user right clicks on a highlighted overlay, series or drawing. Calls deleteHighlighted() which calls rightClickOverlay() for studies.

rightClickOverlay(name [, forceEdit])

INJECTABLE This function is called when a highlighted study overly is right clicked. If the overlay has an edit function (as many studies do), it will be called. Otherwise it will remove the overlay

Name Type Argument Description
name string

The name (id) of the overlay

forceEdit boolean <optional>

If true then force edit menu

stackPanel(display, name, percent [, chartName])

INJECTABLE Adds a panel with a prespecified percentage. This should be called iteratively when rebuilding a set of panels from a previous layout. Use STXChart#createPanel when creating a new panel for an existing chart layout.

Name Type Argument Description
display string

The display name for the panel

name string

The name of the panel (usually the study ID)

percent number

The percentage of chart to use

chartName string <optional>

The chart to associate with this panel. Defaults to "chart".

touchDoubleClick(finger, x, y)

INJECTABLE This method detects a double tap on a touch device. It circumvents STXChart#touchSingleClick. Double taps are used to delete overlays, series or drawings on touch devices. It also resets the vertical zoom level (y axis) if tapping on an empty area of the pannel ( see STXChart#calculateYAxisMargins).

Name Type Description
finger number

Which finger double tapped.

x number

X location of screen of tap

y nubmer

Y location on screen of tap


INJECTABLE Event handler for when a touch ends. If this occurs within 250 ms then STXChart.touchSingleClick will be called. If two end events occur within 500 ms then STXChart.touchDoubleClick will be called. If the user moves a significant enough distance between touch start and end events within 300ms then a swipe has occurred and STXChart#swipeMove will be called.

Name Type Description
e Event

Touch event


INJECTABLE Handler for touch move events. This supports both touch (Apple) and pointer (Windows) style events. Zooming through pinch is handled directly in this method but otherwise most movements are passed to STXChart.mousemoveinner. If STXChart.allowThreeFingerTouch is true then a three finger movement will increment periodicity.

Name Type Description
e Event

The event

touchSingleClick(finger, x, y)

INJECTABLE This method captures a tap event (single click) on a touch device. It supports both touch and pointer events.

Name Type Description
finger number

Which finger is pressed

x number

X location on screen of the press

y number

Y location on screen of the press


INJECTABLE Event callback for when the user puts a new finger on the touch device. This supports both touch (Apple) and pointer (Windows) events. It is functionally equivalent to STXChart#mousedown Set STXChart.ignoreTouch to true to bypass all touch event handling.

Name Type Description
e Event

The touch event



Hides the crosshairs. This is called for instance when the user mouses out of the chart or over a chart control. The crosshairs are turned back on by a call to STXChart.doDisplayCrosshairs


INJECTABLE Stops (aborts) the current drawing. See STXChart#undoLast for an actual "undo" operation.


INJECTABLE Updates the position of the stxx.controls.floatDate element ( Style: stx-float-date ) and calls STXChart.AdvancedInjectable#headsUpHR to display the crosshairs labels on both x and y axis. A timer is used to prevent this operation from being called more frequently than once every 100 milliseconds in order to improve performance during scrolling.

zoomIn(e, pct)

INJECTABLE Zooms the chart in. The chart is zoomed incrementally by they percentage indicated (pct) each time this is called.

Name Type Description
e Event

The mouse click event, if it exists (from clicking on the chart control)

pct Number

The percentage to zoom out the chart (default = 10%)

zoomOut(e, pct)

INJECTABLE Zooms the chart out. The chart is zoomed incrementally by they percentage indicated (pct) each time this is called.

Name Type Description
e Event

The mouse click event, if it exists (from clicking on the chart control)

pct Number

The percentage to zoom out the chart (default = 10%)

Copyright © 2012-2016 ChartIQ, Inc. All Rights Reserved. HTML5 Charting Library and HTML5 Trading Systems. Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.3.0-dev on Fri Jan 13th 2017 using the DocStrap template.